Sunday, March 23, 2008


We went to the park and Ariana had fun playing with her ball.

The Easter Bunny came! He left a basket with some eggs with m&ms in them and some Elmo shaped eggs. He also left a book and some marshmallow chocolate bunnies. He "hid" four eggs around the house and Ariana had a blast finding them.

Ariana was very sweet. She shared her eggs and m&ms with Mommy and Daddy. She got three Elmos and gave one to each of us.

This is after she found the pink and green eggs.

Ariana was dancing with her musical card from Grandma and Grandpa.

The pretty Easter dress.

Ariana climbed into Matt's walker and got her legs through the holes. She was way too tall but had fun anyway.

I think she is ready for a baby brother or sister. She wanted to hold the baby and feed him his bottle. Too bad he had just eaten. :) Any time he moved his head she would put her hand on him and turn him back towards the bottle. It was very cute.

Ariana was 11 months old when Matt was born. He is nine months old now but weighs about a pound more than her. He was a preemie too! Funny, huh? He looks especially huge sitting on her lap like this.

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